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Our accounting and tax experts partner with entrepreneurs to eliminate their fears

(and ensure they sleep better at night)

Our values for business and life…


Say it plain. We don’t overcomplicate or oversell, our goal is to keep things as crystal clear as possible, so everyone is on the same page. This is a safe, surprise-free zone. Although you may be surprised by the amount of money you save tax planning.


We don’t talk over people’s heads, nor do we talk down. Our skillset is specialized, we’d never expect clients to intuitively understand the nuances of our profession. We’re here to encourage success, not stifle it.


We do tend to pry. We ask a lot of questions to understand our clients, so we plan and decision-make accordingly. Being nosy helps us catch errors before they’re problems, and helps us seize opportunities to save.

Inspire Change

Numbers can be scary which is why we love demystifying them. With the boogeyman out of the closet, clients make informed decisions and act on their own behalf. This is how we change lives.


Go outside, hit the road, get out of cell service. Whatever makes you happy, your money and time should afford you that.

Meet the Management Team

Michelle Feuerstein

Michelle founded Mergix in 2009 (back when an online and paperless firm was eccentric), having worked in accounting since the age of 14, where she managed QuickBooks for her parents’ business.

She earned B.S. in Accounting, then worked in banking, small accounting firms, and large accounting corporations. She had a lot of success, but suffered a lot of boredom, until founding Mergix where she combined her talent with numbers with her interest and care of people.

In Michelle’s world, you can serve up the analytics all day long, but that’s just information people don’t know what to do with. Until you’re properly listening, understanding, educating, and guiding – only then are you truly being of service.

Life outside and off the internet: Putting miles on the bike and the sprinter van.

Adam Feuerstein

Adam is an entrepreneur and turnaround specialist whose last business was purchased after a request for his review and AFTER discovering they had $ 1.6 million in losses. So yes, he bought a failing business. Which he turned around and made profitable in 24 months. Then he sold the business 2 years later at 11x the purchase price. That’s when he joined Mergix. Adam’s ability to interpret company financials, and trace their issues back to operations – company morale, recruiting, inventory, manufacturing, etc.

This skill is the lynchpin that reorients an entire business and steers it in the right direction.

In Adam’s world, business creativity flourishes within the confines of numerical boundaries. The facts, the rules, the math – these aren’t your limitations, they’re the raw material of financial opportunity.

Life outside and off the internet: Just dump him in the middle of nowhere with his wife and his mountain bike, and Adam will be stoked.